Tuesday, December 14, 2010

WK 15 Blog Exercise - Interactions Between the 3 Levels

WK 15 Blog Exercise - Interactions Between the 3 Levels

a.  Find an example of design related to your area of interest (industrial design or visual communication design) that CLEARLY demonstrates ALL THREE levels of visual design communication/reception - the representational level, the abstract level, and the symbolic level.
b.  Post at least one image of this example.

c.  Below this image(s) write an analysis of each level like this:

- identify what role it plays in the whole

- describe what kind of impact it has
- how it relates to the other two levels

- identify what role it plays in the whole

- describe what kind of impact it has

- how it relates to the other two levels

- identify what role it plays in the whole

- describe what kind of impact it has

- how it relates to the other two levels

NOTE:  This is an opportunity to practice the vocabulary covered in the book and lectures.  You are also evaluated on your ability to recognize an example of design that employs all these levels and how they are working.

 Representational -
This image of Sony Speakers, in their general shape for desktop speakers, holds truth to their compact size, style of Sony, and very straight forward design. This is a photo graph showing their size, shape, showing them in true reality for consumers to purchase. Further more, this communicates to the viewer that they are a certain size and when joined next to a monitor(for instance), you can see their relative size in the scale of things. The impact this set of speakers has on a person depends on what they are in search of, do these speakers provide what they want out of a set of desktop speakers? Abstractly, from a different view point, these speakers are a the accumulation of many years of research and what Sony thinks is the most basic form of their speakers. Take for instance, large audiophiles would have racks and racks of amps and hardware to support their listening habits, however, these speakers are the most basic form of speaker and coil, no amps, no birds nest of cords and all in a small package. Symbolically, these speakers boasts the name of Sony, right smack on the top! Doesn't get any clearer than that!

Abstract -
The image above shows the underlying abstract structure of a typical desktop computer set up, minus keyboard and mouse. A monitor and computer speakers to the sides. As typical as it may sound, keep in mind that the general population has their computers set up this way, almost as if we were all pre-programed to set up our computers this way. The abstract image above provides small details to show that the speakers are in fact speakers, their stands, buttons and horn cover. Representationally, the image depicts two boxes next to one huge box, further showing that they are speakers by placing buttons on them. Symbolically, they are also speakers by what the general populations should think a desktop computer set up should look like.

Symbolic -
In general, the speaker symbol we most see often on the back of computer mother boards, this symbol tells us to plug the speakers into this jack. Very basic design elements used here, curved lines to symbolize sound and a cup like figure to make a speaker. This symbol is recognized world wide, it is remembered and reproduced under little change in size, its full impact is still there with the image on the abstract level.

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